Episode #7: Karaoke
Dale enlists the help of some “special” friends to transform Roxy into a karaoke Rockstar. Plus, he lays down the karaoke song selection rules everyone needs to know.
Hit subscribe on iTunes, Acast, Spotify & Stitcher (and wherever you get your podcasts) or LISTEN NOW below, to find out if Roxy is going to be hogging the mic down your local karaoke night!
If you've listened to previous episodes of 'On The Turn' you'll know Dale is a big fan of Natalie Imbruglia, with 'Torn' being his go-to karaoke song... he even performed it at his 30th Birthday in a pub with live guitarist! Here's the proof...
Proper getting into it, isn't he?!
If you want to host your own karaoke night, like we did, you can easily do it with an iPad or laptop from the comfort of your own home. Just head to luckyvoicekaraoke.com and get sofa singing with a glass of wine. There's even a 14 day free trial!
Check out more photos and video clips from the 'On The Turn' Karaoke Night below.
The crowd votes for which song Roxy should sing.
"My hair was all over the shop but I was wearing a great t-shirt so…."
They tried to make her go rehab but she said no, no, no.
Martin channelled his inner Will Smith for some Fresh Prince rapping action, whilst Dale and Amy had an identity crisis.
Roxy pulls out the shimmies for a strong finish.
It's a "Whole New World" for Alan and Kate on the rug. Carolyn's getting well into the Divinyls.
Alaska Thunderf*ck saves the day again.
Martin and Amy take on a duet, whilst Producer Rob and Dale go solo.
Who doesn't love a bit of Meatloaf and Cher? Producer Rob certainly does! "Dead ringer for loooowwwwv-vuh"
It wouldn't be a karaoke night if Dale didn't do his Japanese folk song (or the theme from 'Princess Mononoki, as it's known).
You've seen the carnage now listen to what happened. You can also hit subscribe on iTunes, Acast, Spotify & Stitcher (or wherever you get your podcasts) to get each episode delivered to you automatically every fortnight. Don't forget to leave us a review if you enjoy On The Turn*. Love you!
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